In this episode of Path of the Awakened Heart, Jennifer speaks with Kimberly Mcgeorge on the following topics:
- Being born with natural remote viewing abilities and Kimberly’s journey through the paranormal world, alternative medicine, and naturopathy.
- Kimberly’s transition from the paranormal world to the consciousness world and her realization that frequency and manipulating reality on a high level are key in creating the life she wants.
- Consciousness, being a divine creator, personal power, star seeds, and the interconnectedness of the cosmos.
- Insights on gender, timelines, and the importance of taking action to create change.
And I’m really seeing people waking up to that realization. Not just waking up, whatever that means, but waking up to their own power and who they are, kind of through all time and space.
Kimberly Mcgeorge
Learn more about Kimberly:
Dr. Kimberly has an extraordinary ability to time weave your timelines into the optimal and highest ones JUST by speaking to you. She radically alters your reality by the frequency she holds and her presence of being.
Dr. Kimberly is an internationally known consultant and inventor of medical technology including technology that is frequency based. With her own process she is able to imbue frequencies into anything including images. All of our pictures have been extensively tested with quantum technology and we use these ourselves.
We use technology to scan all aspects of your lives, including the beliefs and programming that are holding you back from creating anything you ever wanted.
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