In this episode of Path of the Awakened Heart Podcast, Jennifer speaks with Natalie Woodman about how spirit guided her to throw out her bucket list and start living her life now. Natalie shares about her journey in the last year, moving from one continent to another. Natalie and Jennifer discuss having discernment when following divine guidance and why being grounded in your body is important for following your soul’s path, plus the courage it takes to stay the course.

With every step that you’re saying yes to, a little bit more of you is going to show up in even more full alignment as you anchor that in within yourself.

Natalie Woodman

Learn more about Natalie:

Natalie Woodman, is sought after Psychic Embodiment and Business Mentor. She is a Medical Intuitive, Trauma Aware Master Akashic Consultant and Advanced Pranic Healing Specialist. In her former life, as a physiotherapist she ran her thriving 7-figure business for 16 years expanding from 5-figure months to 5-figure days with ease.

She now helps CEO’s embody their unique brilliance in body and business and their next level of wealth. Through channelled sessions and her mastery of the body and the nervous system over 27 years as a Physiotherapist, she quickly helps conscious fempreneurs release their self-sabotaging patterns and shift to receive more wealth in all areas of their life with more ease as they align to their highest timeline so that they can experience true abundance on all levels.

She helps transform the lives of highly successful fempreneurs who are tired of working against their bodies through illness and Burnout by embracing the path of ease and aligning them with their Soul Aligned Purpose by alchemizing trauma held in the body and calibrating the nervous system and body to their new set point.

As a result, they can achieve:

Miss T who was able to drop 8lb of energetic body weight and was able to digest her food with more ease within 48 hours after one session

Miss A who can stand upright with less scoliosis, breathing easier and now show up in a more balanced way in her business after one session

Miss C who now enjoys social networking and public speaking without her throat physically closing anymore and attracting clients in her business with ease after one session

Miss M who feels more confidence to take action in her life, started her new business and binge eats less after one session

When Natalie is not helping her clients alchemize their trauma that prevents them from fully receiving wealth in all aspects of their lives, they desire to live including more money and more clients with ease, you can find her in nature, paddleboarding, dancing, meditating, enjoying self-care, connecting with friends and running her digital nomadic whilst travelling!

Find out more about Natalie and how she can help you quantum leap into your next level of expansion in your life and business at




Facebook group: Quantum Leap Lounge

A powerful 45 minute activation clearing overwhelm, fear, guilt and shame from your body at a cellular level, activating a deeper connection to trust within your body and to your intuition

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