my story

My own journey of spiritual awakening and integrating that ascension journey into my life changed EVERYTHING… literally.
Before I became who I AM today I had another career and another life.
I had checked all of the boxes off the list that our compliance-driven society has told us we need to be “successful”.
On the OUTSIDE looking in I had it all, the six-figure job, and all the “things”… but inside it was a different story. I felt empty and unfulfilled. On top of that, I started to feel stagnant in the work I was doing. I didn’t feel like I was growing anymore.
The chronic stress was really taking a toll, and it became painfully obvious something was missing.
It was my IDENTITY.
I had worked so much and made my work the top priority for so long that I lost sight of who I really was.
I couldn’t feel what it was like anymore to REALLY be happy. My heart was calling to me – it was time for a change.
However, despite how miserable I felt I continued to ignore my intuition because I was scared to face an unknown path.
It was a year or two later, when my Mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer, I realized that I could no longer ignore my heart’s call to change the way I was living my life.
I had been flying back and forth to be with my Mom, and one day in particular my phone was blowing up with a work issue while I was at her bedside. I felt like I couldn’t allow myself to be fully present with my Mom who was dying.
THAT was when I reached my bottom.
At that moment I made a vow to myself that I would create a life on my own terms.
that I would be happy and free.

At that moment my courage exceeded my fear. It was like a switch flipped on.
That was the beginning of the end.
Shortly after my Mom passed I stepped down from my corporate director role and similar to the tune of a country song I packed up my car and headed out west to be closer to my family.
Throughout this journey of ascension, awakening to my spiritual gifts, and finding purpose in my life I had an abundance of support in the form of coaches, therapists, healers, spiritual teachers and more.
Despite all of this support I was unable to find a mentor to help me bring it all together. A guide to support me in how to integrate who I was becoming into my physical reality.
So I became HER.

We are living in a time where many are being guided to birth new creations that support our evolution individually and as a collective. Listening AND taking action on the purpose and mission God has placed on your heart, aligning with the will of your divinity is an absolute necessity for navigating the path forward.
It is my mission to light the way as your guide, supporting you in bringing forward the full remembrance and embodiment of your soul’s gifts and wisdom to be shared with the world in only the way YOU can.
Your unique contribution has an important role in leading others forward through this most evolutionary time we’re living in.
working with me is highly activating and deeply transformational.
The path I support my clients in navigating to receive the results they desire is all-encompassing. You are a multidimensional being therefore your expansion requires a multidimensional approach.
My background as a professional channel, spiritual entrepreneur, and corporate retail operations executive as well as the wisdom I embody on my own ascension journey uniquely equips me to provide you with spiritual, energetic, mindset, and strategic support to align with your highest path and LIVE it!
In addition to my life’s work which is one of my great joys, I love being outdoors, going on new adventures with my husband, snuggling with my two fur babies, and all things personal and spiritual development. I am also passionate about contributing to raising the consciousness of humanity, and I love the Earth and have a deep reverence for her.
If you’re feeling called to a deeper embodiment of your spiritual gifts and life’s work I’d love to connect and explore how I can be of support to you.