Hello Busy Bee’s!

As a busy leader, entrepreneur, mentor, partner, mother, daughter, sister, and friend you manage a lot of relationships and a lot of responsibilities everyday, right? There are some days that you feel like “I’ve got this” and other days that you feel like you’re anchored to a sinking ship because the stress you feel is so overwhelming. On top of that it’s almost the end of the year and there are holidays, parties, taxes and all types of “year end” activities. There is so much happening at the same time and it can feel like you’re climbing a steep mountain without the right gear to get you to the top.


I’m here to tell you that that does not have to be the case. You can reduce stress and feel happier! The best part is that it’s easier than you may think!


Here are some super simple ways to reduce stress and feel happier. These methods work for me and they work for my clients. I know they will help you too!


  1. Breathing – Whenever you feel stress focus on slow deep breaths. Deep, slow breathing slows your heart rate, providing relaxation. Focusing on the breathing takes your mind off of your emotions, bringing you back to a more mindful space. Start with three, and do more if needed until you feel better.
  2. Exercise – Enjoy regular exercise. Note that I said ENJOY regular exercise, because many people view exercise as a task to check off the list, an obligation (I’ve been there myself). Find a physical activity that you have fun with and that makes you feel good. Moving our bodies regularly assists in releasing energy, helping to cope with stress and anxiety.
  3. Time Management – Do you feel like you spend a lot of time putting out fires? Running from one place to another like you’re in a race? Do you sometimes wonder at the end of the day what you really accomplished? Make sure that you have a plan for what you want to accomplish everyday…AND do not overcommit! It’s so important to set yourself up for success, be realistic about how much time you have. Start with the routine stuff you have to do each day such as exercise, sleep, time with loved ones, then schedule everything else based on the time you have left.
  4. Gratitude – Choose to focus on what you have, not what you don’t have. Thank the Universe for your loved ones, your home, your health, and everyday of new life that you get to experience. Gratitude brings more happiness and fulfillment in your life. We can never have too much of that!
  5. Give back – Make it a daily practice to give back to others. This can be done in many ways. The key is to give back in a way that brings you joy and love, not a sense of obligation. Volunteer, go visit a loved one you haven’t seen in awhile. Find one good quality in everyone you come in contact with in a day and compliment them (this is one of my favorites).
  6. Decide – Make a decision about how you want to feel. When you feel stress, fear and overwhelm, choose to feel happy instead. Choose to feel joy, happiness, and love. It isn’t possible to feel stress and happiness at the same time. Choose to feel happiness, not stress, not fear. Know that truly all is well.


The only way you can reduce stress and feel more joy and happiness in life is for you to make the decision to take action and commit to change. I know you can do this and I am holding a vision for your success! Please let me know how these tips help you to reduce stress and feel happier in your life! I am so honored to be a part of your journey and thank you so much for being part of this community.


Here’s to your happiness!



Comments? Questions? I would love to hear them! Contact Me or comment below.

Want to learn more?

Answer your inner call to action and make the changes you desire for your life. Visit my website to schedule a free Bee Balanced Clarity Session and let’s chat about how I can help!











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