In this week’s episode of the Awake & On Purpose Podcast, Jennifer speaks with Karen Curry Parker about quantum human design. Jennifer and Karen discuss human potential, the types of human design and their roles, but also how they are not meant to labels. They talk about human design as a way to discover yourself through embodiment, your physical experience of life, and what feels good and right for you, depending on your type – plus much more!

And right now, the most important thing that each and every one of us that I can do, I think, as we continue to evolve and heal this world, is to really fully embody the value of who we are.

Karen Curry Parker

Learn more about Karen:

Karen Curry Parker is one of the world’s leading experts on using Quantum Human Design, the power of archetypes and personal narrative to activate peak performance potential. She’s developed a system that explores the relationship between Quantum Physics and Human Design, a cross cultural personality assessment system that synthesizes ancient and modern archetypes, to enhance people’s creative capacity. Karen works with C-Suite leaders, including the founder of The 80/20 Foundation, an organization that helps build creative initiatives for entrepreneurs. Karen is currently working on her Ph.d in Integrative Health and exploring the impact of personal narrative and language on gene regulation and function. She is a multiple best-selling author and has written more than 17 books. Karen is the mother of 8 children and lives in Wisconsin with her family.

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