my blog

Achieve your dreams by letting go of these things.

Achieve your dreams by letting go of these things.

You have a dream in your heart… you know the one. I’m here to tell you no matter how big you think it is, it’s possible. You’ve got to make your dreams non-negotiable. What are you willing to let go of in order to achieve it?

How Multitasking is Stealing Your Time

How Multitasking is Stealing Your Time

Multitasking is helping you to get more done in less time, right? Not so much. Instead of creating more time, multitasking can actually eat up your time. Here’s what to do instead for better results and less stress.

How Putting Your Best Foot Forward All the Time Is Hurting You

How Putting Your Best Foot Forward All the Time Is Hurting You

You have a full day ahead putting your best foot forward every. single. minute. Everyone tells you that you have it all and that you should be grateful. You are grateful. But if you “have it all” why do you feel so drained and all the time? Why the overwhelm?

7 Signs You Need to Change Your Life

7 Signs You Need to Change Your Life

I’ve learned that the only way to bring positive change to my life is to empower myself to do so. I spent a long time, too long, looking outside myself for solutions to the discontent I had. The next promotion in my job, a new pair of shoes, drinking, food, dating...

When is it the right time to express gratitude?

When is it the right time to express gratitude?

Hello Busy Bee’s!   It really is a busy time isn’t it? This week, actually tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in the US, and Canada celebrated their Thanksgiving Day on Monday, October 10th. Many of us tend to talk more about gratitude during and around this holiday,...

Reduce Stress and Increase Your Happiness in 6 Easy Ways

Reduce Stress and Increase Your Happiness in 6 Easy Ways

Hello Busy Bee's! As a busy leader, entrepreneur, mentor, partner, mother, daughter, sister, and friend you manage a lot of relationships and a lot of responsibilities everyday, right? There are some days that you feel like “I’ve got this” and other days that you feel...

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