…and making you less effective than you think it is, and what to do instead.

As a business leader, your list of to do’s and commitments can feel overwhelming and seem never-ending. Your full schedule, all of the meetings, the projects, the emails, and all of the people that depend on you, and how will you ever get it all done?

More often than not, you find yourself checking email during meetings, putting out a fire at work while on another conference call for work, or even talking on the phone during exercise when you intend for that to be your “me” time. Multitasking is helping you to get more done in less time, right?

Not so much. Instead of creating more time, multitasking can actually eat up your time. Studies show that multitasking is less efficient and can reduce productivity by 40%.

Aside from being less efficient, it also impacts short-term memory and decision making because you’re not fully engaged in any one of the multiple things you’re trying to accomplish.

The key to really getting more accomplished is being present and focused. Try and do one thing at a time as much as possible. You will feel less stress, be more mentally organized, and connected in your personal and professional relationships. Your quality of work and performance will be even better, and results ultimately speak louder than the ability to juggle.

Give it a try, I’d love to know how it helps you!

Are you ready to move from mastering your time to feeling like your time spent is aligning with your purpose?

Click here to schedule your free Clarity Session.

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