In this episode of Path of the Awakened Heart Podcast, Jennifer speaks with Claudia Noriega-Bernstein about embracing your multidimensional self and talents. They discuss everything from navigating beliefs, self-growth, relationships and more, plus the number one thing Claudia believes will create positive change in the world.

You just need to see the possibilities and believe in yourself and believe that I deserve better and I am worthy of better and I am a whole and I am not half of anything.

Claudia Noriega-Bernstein

Learn more about Claudia:

Claudia is an artist, author, philanthropist, abundance coach, mentor, mother, and wife. During her career as a journalist, she has worked for magazines and television in South America and the US, touching subjects from parenting, forgiveness, and growth to political issues.

“Helping others achieve self-confidence, good relationships, their life purpose and becoming authentic leaders, brings so much joy to my life; especially when I help them stand in their own power and have clarity about who they are and where they want to be, so they can ultimately become the best version of themselves.”

She has dedicated the last twelve years of her life to empowering people, especially children, and women. As a life/abundance coach, she has helped people from different backgrounds to discover and implement the full potential of their own creative powers for personal growth and self-healing. She has published three Journals, for Women, men and children and a book called Brighter Days, 88 Most important lessons learned in life for women that want to increase their confidence, resilience and courage.



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Embracing your Multidimensional Self with Claudia Noriega-Bernstein
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