If there were a picture definition of someone who was “unhappy in your life” a few years ago, it was me.

I felt empty.

I was lonely, even though I had lots of friends and people that cared for me.

I went through the motions every day without any feeling of joy or fulfillment in the work I was doing.

I hated waking up in the morning and going to my job to spend another day knowing there must be more to life than what I was experiencing, but what was “it” and how do I find it?

Often numbing myself through binge-watching TV, wine, food, and shopping; searching outside myself for the answer to what felt like a bottomless pit of discontent.

I didn’t want to be present because the truth is I didn’t like how my reality felt.

I needed to change my life.

I was comfortable being unhappy. That sounds crazy, doesn’t it?

I thought that’s how life was, and that I should be grateful for what I had accomplished. Who was I to want more? I should feel lucky.


Don’t do what I did.

Don’t ignore how you feel.

It doesn’t matter what you think you already have and how lucky you think you are.

If you aren’t feeling happy, free, and fulfilled in your life, then something HAS to change.

You are meant to have a life you love; YOU deserve it.

If you’re not happy, then you HAVE to change how you’re living.

Recognize the signs. Is this you?

You’re always tired no matter how much sleep you get.

You feel lonely even though you’re not alone.

Often you find yourself feeling the need to “check out,” numbing yourself by drinking, emotional eating, binge-watching TV, or any other form of addictive behavior.

You’re no longer feeling challenged in your career, learning or growing.

Discontent in your relationships, rather than being engaged you’re more or less just going through the motions.

You overcommit, and people please. You spend so much time pleasing others so that you don’t have to spend time figuring out how to please yourself.

If any of these apply to you, then think about what changes you need to make that will give you the life you want.

A life that you LOVE.

The joyful, free, fulfilling life you DESERVE.

The answer is within YOU.

Every day is a day you can’t get back. You can’t get back time.

Take back control of your life and stop settling for “comfortably unhappy.”


Do you want more for your life but you’re not sure where to start?
I’m happy to support you if you are unhappy in your life.

Click here to schedule your free Clarity Session.

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