Akashic records training
ASCENSION IN THE AKASHA Self Study Online Course
receive guidance and navigate your ascension journey from learning how to access your akashic records

Before I share more with you about Ascension in the Akasha I feel it befitting to share with you a story about my own Ascension journey.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (cue the Star Wars music)…
Seriously though, not all that long ago I felt the call to more.
This isn’t the call to more story about leaving my corporate career to start my purpose driven business and change the world.
I’d already taken that leap.
THIS was the call to TRUTH.
correction – this was actually a call from within me.
At this point, I’d been paving my own path as a wayshower for a few years. I also experienced many spirals on this journey.
Tons of ups and downs, lots of success, and many dark nights of the soul.
I was on this hamster wheel of healing, growth, healing, growth, healing, growth for years.
I call it a hamster wheel because this is what the personal development industry, 3D business, and even many spiritual communities perpetuate.
That we are broken, that something is always missing.
That if we take one more course, learn one more healing modality, or hire another coach or mentor that our “problem” will be solved.
This very behavior doesn’t promote growth it keeps us in a boomerang pattern, because you can’t embody higher teachings that are taught in the constructs of a 3D matrix.
And hey, it’s easy to fall for because you experience the illusion of Ascension. That is, you may experience results for a time but eventually, that boomerang comes back around.
A lot like putting a band-aid on something that needs surgery.
The answer to true Ascension, to living expressed in Truth, isn’t in being given more information to fish, it’s in learning how to fish.
When I began to see through this veil of illusion is when the Akashic Records began to call to me.

The answer to true Ascension, to living expressed in Truth, isn’t in being given more information to fish, it’s in learning how to fish.
When I began to see through this veil of illusion is when the Akashic Records began to call to me.
The Akashic Records are beyond anything else you’ll experience. They are already within you, they are the Records of your Soul and all of it’s experiences past, present, and future. Think limitless cosmic multidimensional library!
It isn’t a matter of learning them, it’s a matter of remembering them because they are YOU.
This call to TRUTH led me to remembering my Akashic Records which then led me to becoming intentional about my entire Ascension journey.
And my Creatorship.
I’m not talking about manifesting, this is beyond that.
This is I AM that I AM.
This is embracing responsibility for my role in the Universe as an empowered Divine Creator Being.
Creating everything in my reality from a space of Truth and Love instead of illusion and lack perpetuated by a society that promotes conformity and “not enoughness”.
See, my whole life integrity has always been important to me, and it was important to me to dive into this season of my journey head on.
Can you imagine what happened next?

Familial and close friend relationships left my life,
my health went to shit,
my finances went to shit,
and I turned over ALL of my clients in my business.
It felt as if everything went to hell in a hand basket.
I even went through a period where my dark night of the soul felt so dark that I wondered what the point was of me still even being here.

yet I kept going.
All of this came forward to show me where I needed to get in the right relationship with my Creatorship and living expressed in my Truth.
It all had to fall apart in order to come back together.
And then one day, not all that long ago, I woke up one morning on the other side. The Sun was literally shining that morning. I felt lighter, like I had changed timelines.
My existing relationships deepened,
money started showing up in abundance,
new clients and collaboration partners came in,
my health began to improve,
and there are so many more healing miracles to celebrate!
My life is in flow and I’m happy and fulfilled, and excited about my path here. I AM truly living FREE.
Because I’m living my Truth and I create from this space and from a place of Love.
Because I AM that I AM.
One of my favorite quotes is by Joan of Arc,
I can stand here today and tell you that without a doubt I embody this.
I AM unstoppable. Nothing can knock me off my path.

I AM She, the Light of a Thousand Warriors.
how did I do it?
I consciously chose to start seeing things as they were instead of what I wanted them to be.
Then I learned how to
embody deeper Integrity,
embrace change,
choose peace,
remember deeper truths about who I AM and my purpose here,
and reclaim my power as a Divine Creator Being,
all from Truth and Love in and with the Akashic Records.
the Akashic Records empowered me to navigate this season of my Ascension journey in a way that feels authentic, safe, and supported in redefining what it means to lead.
It is in our willingness to embrace and love all aspects of ourselves including the darkest shadows that we can authentically embody the brightest light and lead the way forward for others.
I’m not here to tell you how to fish, I AM here to teach you how to fish. And to do it YOUR way, unique to your own path.
This experience is about learning how to access your Akashic Records, empowering you to intentionally navigate your Ascension journey with access to all of the information, healing, and abundance already available to you as a Divine Creator Being.

to create the reality you desire from truth and love.
To live in JOY.
To live in PURPOSE.
To live truly FREE.
To be tapped in, tuned in, and turned on, to your higher I AM presence and live expressed as this in the physical world.
what you’ll learn and more…
Intro to the Akashic Records and the Akasha
The Oversoul vs the Soul and the Quantum Field
Create Sacred Invocations and Prayers to Access your Akashic Records
Setting Aside the Ego to Become a Clear Channel
How to Ask the Right Questions to Receive the Most Information from the Record Keepers
Healing Yourself Energetically, Emotionally, Spiritually, Mentally and Physically in the Records
Accessing Past Lives and Future Versions of Yourself Through Other Dimensions
Divine Creatorship, How to Create Your Reality in the Akashic Records and Collapse Space and Time
In this immersive self study online course you’ll experience life changing transformation in a nurturing and sacred space that feels like home.
Because you have come home. This is your homecoming, your answer to that call to deeper Truth.
It’s here and it’s for you.
I AM personally inviting you to curl up with your favorite cup of whatever you love the most in your favorite space and join me. Give yourself permission now to experience a transformation and resurrection of your inner Light Warrior like no other.
Welcome home beautiful soul.
I honor you for honoring YOU.
Join me, there are 2 ways to enroll!
Self Study Course
- Lifetime Access
- Audio and Transcription of Recorded Teachings
- Digitally Fillable & Print-ready Workbook
- Completely Self-Study
VIP Upgrade
- Lifetime Access
- Audio and Transcription of Recorded Teachings
- Digitally Fillable & Print-ready Workbook
- Connect with me live for a private 45-minute Q&A Session to answer any questions you have customized to your unique path, expanding your learning and consciousness even more!
By registering I understand that I will receive emails from Jennifer Spor about this training and other email communications.
Any questions? I’m happy to answer them! Email me at jennifer@jenniferspor.com