I’ve learned that the only way to bring positive change to my life is to empower myself to do so. I spent a long time, too long, looking outside myself for solutions to the discontent I had. The next promotion in my job, a new pair of shoes, drinking, food, dating someone new, nothing I did fulfilled me until I stopped living in denial and started looking at what I needed to do to within myself.
This time of year many of us spend more time thinking about how we want to kick off the New Year and what we will resolve to change in our lives. There are signs that you need to look at changing your life for the better and I have included a few of them below.
- Your environment at work and/or at home has become consistently negative and toxic.
- You are bored in your career. What used to challenge and inspire you no longer does.
- Reaching out for alcohol, food, or any other source or substance as a way to cope with stress.
- You feel like there has to be more to life than what you’re experiencing.
- You dwell on the past.
- You compare yourself to others.
- You put yourself down, you don’t feel like you’re worthy.
If any of these signs apply to you, this is great news! Now you can make the decision and take action to look within yourself at what work you need to do to start feeling fulfilled and free in your life! A lot of times we blame others for whatever is causing us grief and it just doesn’t need to be that way. YOU are the only one who controls how you feel, so decide today that you want to feel fulfilled and free! Look within yourself at what changes you might need to make to accomplish this. Some suggestions that work for me and may work for you are meditation, mindfulness, exercise, gratitude, and journaling.
Listen to your heart, it knows better than your head. I’d love to hear…what changes you are resolving to make in the New Year?
Are you interested in learning more about how you can make positive changes in your life?
I would love to help!
Click here to schedule a free Bee Balanced Clarity Session.