Hello Busy Bee’s!
It really is a busy time isn’t it? This week, actually tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in the US, and Canada celebrated their Thanksgiving Day on Monday, October 10th. Many of us tend to talk more about gratitude during and around this holiday, right?
There is a better time to express gratitude, and that’s ALL THE TIME! What if we challenged ourselves starting now, to think everyday about what we do have to be grateful for instead of what we don’t have? Now you’re probably saying to yourself that you are already grateful right? What I am asking you to do right now is challenge yourself and raise the bar! Let’s commit now to express gratitude to ourselves, to others, everywhere and everyday going forward. Imagine…what a tremendous impact you will have in spreading love in this world by expressing gratitude all the time and in so many creative, fun ways! The best part is that you will inspire others to do the same! How great does that feel?
Remember the pay it forward story at a Starbuck’s drive-thru in Florida? The customers bought others coffee for 11 hours straight one day! Imagine what our world would be like if everyone took one small extra step, paying it forward in their unique way?
Have fun with this! See how many people you can express gratitude toward each day! Don’t forget yourself!
Here are a few suggestions if you need help getting the creative juices to flow:
Thank God/Source/Universe everyday during prayer and/or meditation.
Say thank you to yourself every morning in the mirror.
Let your loved ones know how much you appreciate them, not just what they do.
Keep a gratitude journal and write at least 10 things each day that you are grateful for…try not to repeat and see how creative you can get in coming up with ten new entries each day!
Each time you pay a bill, be thankful for the services you are able to pay for.
Offer to do more than your share of household chores and/or shopping.
Open the door for someone.
Let someone ahead of you in line.
Find at least one good quality in each person you meet and then compliment them.
Be present in the moment.
Give someone a gift, just because.
Give a larger than usual tip.
Be patient.
When faced with challenging situations choose love over fear.
Have fun spreading gratitude and inspiring others along the way!
Comment below or Contact Me! I would love to hear about all the creative and fun ways that you are saying thanks each day!
Want to learn more?
Answer your inner call to action and make the changes you desire for your life. Visit my website to schedule a free Bee Balanced Clarity Session and let’s chat about how I can help!