Do you feel like YOU are running your life, or more often like your life is running you?

How many of these signs describe you?

You’re ALWAYS “on”…

Even when you’re not working, you’re working. You’re often dealing with emails or some work issue after you’ve “finished” for the day. Boundaries between work and home are a blur. You feel like you’re rarely able to be present and fully connected with your family/friends.

You’re ALWAYS tired…

Instead of waking up rested and excited to start the day, you’re dreading the day thinking about what will blow up at work that you’ll inevitably have to handle.

You’re ALWAYS stressed…

The constant headaches and tightness in your chest from always looking over your shoulder for the next fire to put out, or the next person that’s going to ask you to do something that you don’t have the time or resources to do.

You’re ALWAYS overwhelmed…

Your schedule is always full, and you don’t ever seem to have a moment to yourself. You’re running a sprint from the moment you wake up, until the moment your head finally hits the pillow. Only to wake up and do the same thing all over again.

You’re ALWAYS putting yourself last and everyone and everyone else first.

How many of these signs are all too familiar to you?

These signs are all SYMPTOMS of the real PROBLEM, which is that you need to stop overcommitting and learn how to more efficiently and effectively manage your time.

There is good news! With the right tools, these are problems that can be easily solved!

So, where do you go from here?

Your next step is to make a decision AND take action and make a change.

What you’ve learned here today is valuable, but brief.


Are you ready to move from just mastering your time to feeling like your time spent is aligning with your purpose?

Click here to schedule your free Clarity Session.

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