Food, gas, money, jobs, homes, cars. All of these “things” are renewable. If you run out, you can always have more.

But time isn’t renewable. You can’t get time back. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. Yet, you misuse your time without even realizing it.

Just how much unproductive time exists in your day that you aren’t aware of?

You have a full calendar, and you feel like your running a sprint from the moment you wake up to the moment your head hits the pillow so you must be using all your time efficiently, right?

Not so much. Being busy doesn’t automatically mean you manage your time well.

Here are three super easy steps that will help you manage time effectively and efficiently:

Step 1

Track how you’re spending your time and ask yourself these two questions:

  1. Is how you’re using your time in alignment with the goals you want to achieve?
  2. Is the quality of time you’re spending on a thing or with people in alignment with the goals you want to achieve?

Step 2

Multi-tasking. Avoid it. You are not more productive when you’re multitasking. Studies show that your productivity decreases by at least 40% when you try to do multiple things at once. Your quality of work isn’t as good, and it takes longer to complete tasks when you try to do several things at once.

Step 3

Make sure you have a solid routine.

Following a routine consistently each day will help you better prioritize and plan, which along with the other two steps will help you more efficiently and effectively manage your time.

Please comment and let me know how this helps you.


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