Anxiety can be paralyzing, but you can CHOOSE not to let it be. Here are five quick tricks for reducing anxiety that will have you feeling better in no time!

That nervousness you feel in your stomach. Your heart is beating faster and faster. Your thoughts are racing. You’re sweating. You can’t sleep because you keep replaying the same idea in your mind over and over and over again.

What if the meeting doesn’t go well? What if I lose that client? What if I don’t make my goals? What will others think of me? What if I’m not capable? What if, what if, what if?

Anxiety can be paralyzing, but you can CHOOSE not to let it be.

Here are five quick tricks for reducing anxiety that will have you feeling better in no time!

Get some exercise.

Go for a walk, a run, or any physical activity you enjoy. If you’re at work or in a place you can’t leave, then get up and just move around for a bit. Exercise will help release the nervous energy, and you’ll start to feel better.

Practice slow, deep breathing.

Breathe in deeply through your nose, and exhale through your mouth pushing your belly out. Do this at least five times, or more if desired, to experience the maximum benefit. This will lower your heart rate and put you in a more relaxed state.

Squash the negative chatter in your mind.

Acknowledge that you’re feeling bad, and then make a decision to release those negative emotions choosing a better feeling one. Anxiety is rooted in a lack mindset so choosing to focus on gratitude and what is good in your life instead of what is wrong can provide tremendous relief.

Question your thoughts.

Stop yourself and ask, are these thoughts real and rational, or something that you’re creating, coming from a place of fear? This will raise your level of self-awareness, and over time these thoughts will become less frequent.

Visualize an experience that makes you feel confident, relaxed and free.

This can be a memory from childhood or something recent. Do this visualization until you reach that desired state of mind.

Use any one or all of these tips when you’re feeling anxiety, and you will feel better in no time!

Do you need guidance in taking back control and balance in your life? Connect with me for a free Clarity Session to learn more about how I can support you.

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